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What You Need To Know About Pedestrian Accidents

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  • 12 Jan, 2018
Predestian Accident — Beverly Hills, CA — Richard D. Hoffman Law Offices
If you are a pedestrian involved in an accident, so much is rushing through your mind. Car accidents are devastating, but when you lack even the protection of a vehicle surrounding you, the impact can cause unbelievable damage.

When you are a victim of an accident, you need to understand the depth of the situation in order to determine your next steps. This article will help you better understand pedestrian accidents and your potential recourse as a victim.

What Causes Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian accidents are often caused by driver distractions, failure to follow driving laws, and failure to look ahead while making turns. Drugs, aggressive driving, and alcohol also often play a role in accidents involving pedestrians, as does the loss of control of a vehicle. In many cases, it is not the pedestrian's fault, but much of the burden lies on the pedestrian if an accident does happen.

Because pedestrian accidents are often not the pedestrian's fault, it is often necessary to sue the driver of the vehicle and sometimes even the manufacturer of the vehicle involved. Understanding the cause of the accident helps you determine who you and your lawyer need to pursue in the courtroom.

What Should You Do after a Car Accident?

First, call the police or 911 to report the accident and receive necessary medical assistance. You must receive medical assistance because the court will need a record of your injuries in case you opt to sue a driver or company for medical expenses.

You can also take photos of the scene, the car, and surrounding signage that might help create the scene of the accident. These photos may be used in court to help bolster your case and prove that another party was at fault for the accident.

Finally, collect statements from witnesses in addition to their contact information. If you need to go to court, your case may rely on witness testimony in order to determine who was at fault for the accident.

What Damages Associate with Pedestrian Accidents?

Pedestrian injuries are often very different from injuries experienced by drivers in car accidents. Pedestrians may be diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, facial injuries, broken bones, pelvic injury, lacerations, and fractures.

The depth of these types of injuries means you should pay close attention to medical bills. Keep close records of all financial information you receive in association with the injuries caused by the accident. If you have suffered injuries after being a pedestrian involved in an accident, you may have the right to compensation to cover your medical bills.

In addition to receiving compensation for medical bills, you may also be eligible to receive compensation for lost wages if you are unable to return to work. In many cases, people are not ever able to return to work.

Pedestrian accident victims may also be eligible for pain and suffering or emotional distress compensation. This is an option to discuss with your lawyer.

Do You Need to Hire an Attorney?

After being in an accident, you should always hire an attorney to defend you in court. Whether you are facing off against another driver or an insurance company with high-powered lawyers on their side, you need professional assistance.

Additionally, hiring an attorney means he or she can seek out expert witnesses who can testify on your behalf. For instance, attorneys can track down medical professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and vocational experts who help you make a strong case.

The Richard D. Hoffman Law Offices are always here to listen to your case. You may have a valid claim. Call us today to learn about your legal options.
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